10 Simple Acts of Kindness.

“Love & Kindness are never wasted. They bless the one who receives them & they bless you, the giver.” – Barbara De Angelis.

“Love & Kindness are never wasted. They bless the one who receives them & they bless you, the giver.” – Barbara De Angelis.

November 13th is World Kindness Day! Before I began blogging I was unaware of all the international and national awareness days that we have the opportunity to celebrate. I can’t think of one I want to celebrate more than Kindness day. Why? Because it’s so easy to be nice, even to strangers.

Why do we need kindness?

Not surprisingly, kindness increases our level of happiness, and acceptance and reduces the feeling of isolation. When people are kind to us, or when we’re kind to others, it’s met with a deep sense of joy. Helping others through kindness, no matter how simple, makes us feel good too!

To make things a little further, kindness in its simplest form makes the world a better place. How many times has someone said or done something nice for you, and left you feeling gratitude towards them? It makes you feel like there is some goodness in the world, and can even encourage you to go out and do some good of your own.

Random Acts of Kindness.

I recently signed up for Random Acts of Kindness in a bid to hold myself accountable for what I put out into the world. What I mean is I am a firm believer in the power of three. Whatever you put out into the world, will come back on you threefold.

Random Acts of Kindness is a site that is dedicated to connecting people through kindness. The site is a hub of information, and even provides printouts for schools, workplaces, and online influencers.

Check it out, sign up and see what good you can do for the world.

Image from Vie Studio

What can you do?

Hold open the door.

One of the simplest ways to show kindness to someone is to hold open the door for them. It could be opening the door of the car for your partner, parents, or grandparents. Or even holding the door for a stranger.

Listen to someone.

I mean really listen. Ask someone how their day is going, and wait for the answer. Call up a friend that’s struggling and allow them to talk without filter or abandon while you, simply, listen.

Taking the time to listen to someone could be the difference between a bad day and a better one.

Offer help to someone in need.

  • Help a friend move.
  • Help your grandparents or parents around the house.
  • Offer to pick up some supplies for a friend in need.
  • Take the kids off your sister-in-law for a while.

There are so many little ways you can help someone and brighten their day.

Image from RODNAE Productions

Help someone who’s lost.

Metaphorically and physically.

If you come across tourists in the street or in the car, offer them directions to their destination. Or if you know of someone in need of a little direction in life, do the best you can to motivate and inspire them to action.

Call home or a friend just to ask how they are.

This is so, so important. Like taking the time to listen to someone, simply calling for a chat can make all the difference. For example, my best friend taking the time to call me after a difficult therapy appointment did wonders to lift my mood, and all we talked about was hair dye!

Compliment someone.

Let your partner know they look great today (like they do every day), let a friend know their latest article was on point or even compliment a stranger if you’re daring!

Leave your partner/kids/parents/friend a kind note.

I used to work with a guy who’s significant other left him love notes in his lunchbox. It was super cute and I always thought it was a lovely gesture. My partner and I even left notes for each other around the house for a while before we both got too busy.

It’s nice to leave a little sticky note on the front of the fridge or on the bedside locker. Silly or ‘lovey-dovey’ little notes are hard to beat!

Offer someone a ride.

Do you know someone who needs a lift to a hospital appointment, to the supermarket, or even just to visit their nan? Offer to take them. Even if they have their own car, this sort of gesture might make someone’s life simpler!

Send a thank you letter for no reason other than you appreciate someone.

Or even send a little text!

Visit a shelter and walk the dogs/play with the cats.

Provided you’re allowed to of course! It’s always great to give back to those in need, and who could be more in need than shelter animals? Plus, they are a great way to gain social points without actually having to be social!

Extra: Nominate someone for “More Love Letters.”

This one is by far my favorite. More Love Letters is a beautiful place that allows you to nominate someone in need of a pick-me-up. You enter the details asked for and if you’re chosen, you’ll work alongside the team to make sure your nominee receives a bundle of love letters!

Better still, you can check the site each month to find new letter requests. There you’ll be informed of the person in need and you can get to writing. How lovely is that!? You can surprise a loved one and you can help add to another nominees bundle!

What are you planning to do to exert your kindness?

** If you like what I do please consider donating to my Ko-Fi. Your support helps keep this blog alive and helps improve my content in the future.


  1. I totally agree with kindness can definitely make the world a better place and this is something that we are free to give. It doesn’t even have to involve money.

    Thank you for sharing this. You just inspired me to do more random acts of kindness. Starting tomorrow will make sure to compliment a stranger at least once every day.

  2. Nnnniiiccceeeeee….I have done all acts of kindness on this list, minus visiting an animal shelter. I want to begin walking dogs, one day. I admire people who walk dogs.

  3. Whether it’s a smile, a compliment, or a helping hand, showing kindness to others can make them feel valued and appreciated. Kindness can also positively impact the person who is being kind. The problem with showing kindness occurs when people start taking it as a weakness.

  4. I love this! I actually didn’t know that there was actually a website that was devoted to this cause. It really doesn’t take much to help brighten someone else’s day. I am truly inspired by your selflessness.

  5. Everyone’s life would be so much better if they just practised basic kindness. Imagine how much better the world would be?

  6. This is such a lovely post and reminds us that an act of kindness can be something really simple and easy. I try to do as many as I can daily. My kids and I would love to visit a shelter and play with cats or dogs.

  7. This is such a lovely post and reminds us that an act of kindness can be something really simple and easy. I try to do as many as I can daily.

  8. What a great write up! Kindness truly makes the world go round. I especially love the โ€œleave a note for your spouseโ€ tip. Itโ€™s so simple and easy but completely makes someoneโ€™s day!

  9. This is a sweet post, and an important sentiment. I absolutely love getting letters in the mail so that website is a great initiative – going to check it out!

  10. I absolutely love this post. Kindness is so important in our society and everyday lives. You offer so many wonderful and easy ways to share kindness each and every day!

  11. For both the recipient and yourself, acts of kindness have the ability to spark joy in all involved. This is why we need kindness; itโ€™s a constant reminder that there are still good people in the world ready to show you some love. I’m honored that when I asked my friends what my best trait is, they said kindness.

  12. This was a great read to start my day. Such simple steps to make others and ourselves feel positive!

  13. I completely agree that kindness is essential in our world. It’s great to see that there are dedicated websites and initiatives like Random Acts of Kindness to promote kindness and make it easier for people to engage in it. I appreciate the practical suggestions you provided on how we can show kindness, from holding open doors to leaving kind notes for our loved ones. These are simple yet powerful gestures that can make someone’s day a little brighter. It’s important to remember that even small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on someone’s life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and encouraging us all to spread kindness!

  14. This is all such sound and relative advice! These days it feels like kindness and hospitality can sometimes take a back seat when it comes to the status quote. Finding the job that pays the most money is the most important thing; itโ€™s the harsh truth, but the truth none the less. I liked how you highlighted that helping others can be a wholesome position too! We need more posts like this one! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Loved reading this and it’s so true that spreading kindness is so easy and can absolutely make someone’s day as well as yours! Love the idea of sending letters x

  16. Pingback: Top 5 Reasons To Be Kind. - MyNeedToLive
  17. There’s a Youtuber I follow who always preaches about kindness and I just love it. He says kindness is free, give to everyone. So true.

  18. Sometimes all you need is a good chat. That can be kindness enough for some people. I’m the same – when my mate sends me gifs or stupid texts it always makes me feel better.

  19. This is such a lovely post and you’re so right, we could all do with a little more kindness in the world, especially with so much crappy stuff going on. I especially love your tip on calling a friend to ask them how they’re doing – so many of my bad moods have been lifted just by my best friend sending me gifs of cats and us sending each other quotes from Peep Show episodes! Xx

  20. I love your simple acts of kindness – and they are all free things that we can practice every day! In particular the listening to someone.
    I always judge someone on if I think they are kind based on whether they listen to me and make the effort to understand my mixed communication.

  21. I believe in the law of reciprocity! I try to be intentionally kind as much I can! Great ways to go simply be kind! We live in a very selfish world. Its good to think about making someone else’s day!

  22. I love reading this kind of post. In a simple way you can spread happiness thru kindness. Hoping that everyday is the world kindness day.

  23. This was such a lovely post! I didn’t know about World Kindness Day until a few days before, but I remember thinking, “why isn’t this more of a thing??” And also, “we should be doing this everyday!” But honestly, just having a day dedicated to it is a great reminder to be kind always, throughout the year and everyday. I love the examples you listed. It’s amazing how even the smallest things can make a difference to someone. I know they do to me! And I will definitely check out Random Acts of Kindness. That sounds like an amazing program!

    Emily | https://www.thatweirdgirllife.com

  24. Great ideas! I really like the compliment one. It can help make someone’s day. It doesn’t have to be about how they look. I like telling people how they did a good job at something during the work day. A little positive encouragement goes a long way!

  25. Kindness is something that makes our lives much better, but we often forget about it. I focus too much on myself and my own problems right now, but I guess it’s high time to change it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. You’re so right! The smallest thing can mean so much. I watched two grown men, unprompted, help an elderly lady fill her car with petrol, and then helped her into the shop. It was so cute!

  27. I appreciate someone taking the time to listen to me far more than anything. I had a therapist listen to me and validate my experience on Monday, something barely anyone has ever done. And i bounced out of there on a high!

  28. Thank you so much for this post. In a world full of things which pull people down, it pays to be kind and encourage people to keep going. We need more people who are kind. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cha at Little MisadvenCHA

  29. I love these ideas! I always try to be kind–random acts of kindness are the best. I do leave my husband sweet notes from time to time.

  30. i love these very human ways to have kindness. Most of these are so simple you just need a heart and compassion to do these.

  31. This is such a beautiful reminder to us all to be kind and considerate. That simple gestures like this is already grand and very well appreciated.

  32. If everybody was doing all of these, the world would be such a better place! Thanks for a great list.

  33. โ€œWhatever you put out into the world, will come back on you threefold.โ€ I am a believer in that too! Such a beautiful post. Thanks for these tips!

  34. Nyxie you know I love this! When I’m at work I always challenge myself to do a couple of RAOK. Usually it’s holding the door open for someone who is struggling with their pet or complimenting someone’s shoes or coat. It’s amazing how something so small can make someone smile so big.

  35. What a beautiful post. Being kind doesn’t cost a cent. Thanks for sharing those simple and effective ways to be kind ans be a better person. ????

  36. These are such simple gestures that we can make to brighten someone else’s life. Listening is so appreciated these days, when is all talk and no reaction.

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